
maneesh dhauni 



Chapter 14: Carbon element formation and chemistry. Also mystery of why Lithium isotope 6 is present in less quantity.

Chapter 14: Carbon element formation and chemistry. Also mystery of why Lithium isotope 6 is present in less quantity.

Electron distribution of Carbon = 1s2-2s2-2p2

Carbon is very important for all organism. Carbon have atomic number 6.

Carbon have following two isotopes stable.

Carbon 12= -C-12 = 6 neutrons +6 protons.

Carbon 13= C-13 = 7 Neutron + 6 Protons.

Abundance of C-12 is 98.0% and that of C-13 is 1.1%.  Modern period table cannot explain the abundance distribution.

Carbon 12 isotope is formed by fusion of Lithium-6 isotope.  And Carbon 12 isotope is formed by fusion of Lithium-6 and Lithium-7 isotopes.











Abundance of Carbon-12: 2 Carbon-13: Carbon-14

Since neutrons is very high, fusion and formation of Carbon-13 and Carbon is difficult to form. Hence Carbon -12 abundance is very high and as Lithium 6 isotope are consumed, abundance of Lithium-6 is less. 


Carbon 12 formation :

Lithium-6 form bonding and anti bonding orbital with another Lithium-6 ion to give Carbon-12. Details are as follows. 

Carbon 13 formation :

Lithium-7 form bonding and anti-bonding orbital with another Lithium-6 ion to give Carbon-12. Details are as follows. 



From the nuclear obital formation it is clear, C13 formation is difficult and hence, less formed. Also this explain why in nature abundance of Lithium-7 isotope is more compare to Lithium-6.

Natural effects

Modern period table explanation

Maneesh Dhauni Periodic table explanation

Why abundance of Carbon 12 is greater than abundance of Carbon 13.


Yes. Explain very well.

Explain why lithium 6 abundance is less than Lithium -7.


Yes Explain very well.

Explain why Carbon have two paired proton and two paird electron at last orbital. Due to same energy level for last protons, I can have both proton to be unpaid.


Yes Explain very well.


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